
Showing posts from July, 2018

Spreading Change

So far, I'm greatly enjoying the change of not drinking. While is is difficult to break this habit, that's all is ..... a habit. A bad habit. So while social situations may be tough, I may get depressed about never enjoying some wine or cocktails, and if I have to find healthy ways to deal with stress, grief, anger, happiness....then so be it. It is all worth it. My life is worth it. And my CHILDREN are worth it. So, this change is good. Changes at my work, which is a HUGE chunk of my life, are rapidly occurring. They are necessary changes, but big changes. While I understand the need for change and embrace it, I am also in the position to be a leader to those who are very uncertain and sometimes resistant to change. And this is so, so, tough. I just want them to trust me and my supervisors. I know that can't happen automatically. While I focus on my own physical and mental health in the upcoming days, I also dedicate myself to exploring how to be a leader

Day 9

I met my niece this weekend. She is three and a half days old and she is absolutely amazing. As I was talking to my sister, she asked me if we ate dinner at the table and I said we were trying to more and ate as a family every night since our vacation. She laughed, and said, "oh, seven whole days?" I laughed with her. In my head I was has only been seven days since I had my last drink. It has gone by so incredibly slow. There has been many, many positives and some challenges. I am very proud of myself for a few reasons. Here are three big ones: *Fourth of July was this week, meaning I didn't work that day. Normally, that would mean I would definitely have drinks the day before. And of course have some on the 4th, too. Because you's a holiday;). *I drove to Nashville myself with two of my kids. At the end of a long work week, in very bad weather. And when I arrived, I did not have anything to drink. And my sister had bought a smal


I have not blogged in three years. First mistake. I'll stop there with the proclamation of mistakes because there is no use in looking back. Blanket statement: the past year has been the most physically, mentally, spiritually, professionally and personally challenging year of my life. No qualms about it. Blanket statement part 2 (and mostly explains blanket statement part one): I have been diagnosed with Dermatomysotisis: a very ugly and scary autoimmune disease. So, I've been through IT. But I've also come through IT. And now that I have, I face my next challenge: fighting addiction and reconnecting with my family. Yikes. Powerful words. After a week of heavy drinking on a family vacation (proceeded by a semi-commitment to sobriety), I'm ready to live again. So, much is to be said in these words. So, I will leave it a that for today and move forward. CM #2